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 in 4.0 technology

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We were born in 2015 as an enterprise of two brothers who wanted to facilitate and solve the internal organizational processes of different companies.

Currently, we’re a growing company with the motivation and newness of an innovative flexible startup with a strong technological basis.

We’ve increased our offer and escalated the business structure to take our solutions to important clients in the Real Estate area, thanks to the teamwork of professionals in engineering, development, and design.

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We are convinced that the motivation of the Novit team is the key to our development.

We are a stable team which incorporates talents with passion for technology.

We mentor other professionals because we know that learning is a way of giving strength to our services.

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We’re passionate about technology and we master the latest advances of the market, we’re constantly researching new tools to keep us in the vanguard.

We’re a professional multidisciplinary fast team of high performance.

We love to teach, motivate, and learn!

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We want to be referents in the world of information technologies and offer an innovative service to inspire others along the way.


We give our best to offer ultimate solutions and grow as a company.

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